As per always, I haven't focused my attention to cop, because I don't have any inspiration for the module, so didn't get stuck into it. I also think that I don't do as well in the really long thin modules, because I always think that I have loooooads of time which isn't the case and before you know it it's deadline time. So I really need to pull my socks up on this module no doubt about it.

So I sat down and had a think. I started thinking of the word cosmopolitan and what it means and what I think of when I see it. I then decided not to think and just draw the first thing that I think of - cosmopolitan glasses? Maybe not so relevant, but I suppose you could think of cocktails being quite a swanky thing, and they make me think of sexy women that sit in them, I suppose like the sex appeal of these corporations (well the appeal, maybe not sexy).