Friday, 23 October 2015

Starbucks - Develop ideas


Research -

Adding humour to it - taking the piss out of the stigma 

'Basic white girl' emerging from Starbucks - Alexis Price Oct 7th 2014 -

I asked several Butler students, “When does something become ‘basic’?” And many responses could be summed up in what freshman Blake Dreihaus stated.
“I feel like overuse makes something ‘basic,’” Dreihaus said. “When it’s no longer exciting.”

The Conquest of Cool: Business Culture, Counterculture, and the Rise of Hip Consumerism - Thomas Frank (BOOK)

Matt Stabile - May 2014 -

Cop - Task 2

Task 2 - 16th October

I found this session quite difficult. Solely because I had no initial idea what to do for my essay apart from that I wanted to do something political or social. Although, I think we should have had a task before this to have us think about what we wanted to do for our essay, as I know a lot of others hadn't thought about what to do yet. I think we should have been told to have something ready for the session so it could flow better and more ideas would have been generated.

But anyway, being in a group I found really useful. You all bounce ideas off each other and spot common interests. They helped me come to the point of HYPE from politics - media portrayal - hype.

Then we were told to walk around and spot things that linked to your theme/subject. I found this task quite hard, especially as we only had half an hour and were in an environment that didn't necessarily suit people's needs. Although for me this is where I got an idea for my theme. Being in the canteen and spotting a coke can - coca cola being a massive hyped brand, you can't go down a road without seeing someone drinking a can, or it laying dead on the floor, or big and boldly printed on a billboard. This made me think of what other brands are a massive hype, what's the biggest brand that everyone must have/do/eat/wear… Starbucks?

So, for my essay I want to explore consumerism and Starbucks, why must everyone drink this? Why is it seen to be cool to Instagram your pumpkin spiced latte? And also why does it have this 'White girl' stigma? I want to try and find what others have said about this, and see if there's any illustrations or images that reflect this. 

Friday, 16 October 2015

Death of an Author

Death of an Author - Text Analysis 

What is Barthes trying to say?
  • You base all the work on the author rather than the text itself - prejudgements 
  • People assume the book is part of them, their lifestyle "father to his child"
  • In modern life we all have different interpretations to text - no specific meaning
  • "None of them original, blend and clash" - no new original ideas anymore - ideas are created from already existing ones mixed together. 
  • Modern day - people don't care about the origin of work anymore, just the work itself. 
Impact on Illustration?
  • Taking the style of an Illustrator - then mass producing that style
  • People go straight to their own interpretation instead of the actual origin of the piece - does this make your research of beforehand useless?
  • Originality dying
  • Judge the work if you already think of the artist in a certain way.
Impact on my theme? - Social/Politics
  • Judging a speaker/leader before listening to what they have to say 
  • 'None of them original, blend and clash' - politicians ideas blend together - people don't know who to vote for anymore - one big mix. 
  • 'Only language acts 'performs' and not 'me' - hiding behind words


Sara Fanelli was the first name that came to my head when relating to the idea authorship. As you can see, her work is very stylised and oozes with charm. But, as her work isn't something particularly challenging to copy, her years of hard work got stollen and mass produced. This in turn ruined her career, the death of an illustrator. As an aspiring illustrator myself, the thought of this happening to my own work is quite terrifying. But instead of living the rest of my life being scared of style thieves, this has made me realise that my own work has to have a challenging edge so people wouldn't be tempted to copy. Or I also thought, why should I have a style? My work doesn't have one now and I don't think that it's always necessary, I feel like I'm more free for experimentation. 
 Barthes says that original ideas are dying 'None of them original, blend and clash', does this mean that Fanelli's work wasn't original in the first place? She must have other artists that inspire her to make her create the work that she produces (I did try to research what work inspires her but was not successful). Does it mean that people have to steal other artist's ideas because originality is dead anyway?  I think that this idea is quite depressing, Barthes makes me feel like we can't produce anything with any originality which makes me feel a bit brain dead. Like we're all robot sheep made to churn out previous ideas mix and matched together. But seeing as this is what happened to Sara Fanelli, it pains me to say that he's kind of right. 
'The text is henceforth made and read in such a way that at all its levels the author is absent' - My own interpretation of this statement is that the audience looks at a piece without thinking about the illustrator themselves - solely the artwork. Making the illustrator dead. I think because of this, it makes it easier for people to steal people's styles. As you don't think about the illustrator, you just see the style, like it, then take it. The same way as people eat meat because they don't see the actual animal being killed so they don't feel bad - but maybe I'm going off topic. 

Monday, 5 October 2015

Study Task - Definitions



the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for whatis regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits,etc.
that which is excellent in the arts, manners, etc.
a particular form or stage of civilization, as that of a certain nation orperiod:
Greek culture.
development or improvement of the mind by education or training.
the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic,or age group:the youth culture; the drug culture.

the science or art of political government.
2.     the practice or profession of conducting political affairs. 

the branch of knowledge dealing with past events.

pertaining to, devoted to, or characterized by friendly companionshipor relations:a social club.
seeking or enjoying the companionship of others; friendly; sociable;gregarious.
of, pertaining to, connected with, or suited to polite or fashionablesociety:
a social event.
living or disposed to live in companionship with others or in acommunity, rather than in isolation:People are social beings.
of or relating to human society, especially as a body divided intoclasses according to status:social 
involved in many social activities:We're so busy working, we have to be a little less social now.
of or relating to the life, welfare, and relations of human beings in acommunity:
social problems.

the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts,engineering, 
applied science, and pure science.

Choose 1 word from the 5 - Social 

Quotes - 
  • Society exists only as a mental concept; in the real world there are only individuals. Oscar Wilde
  • The most violent element in society is ignorance. Emma Goldman
  • There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children. Nelson Mandela 
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