
Maybe this image by Matt Kenyon might not specifically show how designers abilities have been driven into advertising, but how we as consumers have become slaves to the system. As it says in 'Fuck Committees', "By now, virtually all media, architecture, product and graphic design have been freed from ideas, individual passion, and have been relegated to a role of corporate servitude" meaning how we've all lost our individuality. This image reflects this, by loosing our individual flare, we have part of the sheep system of abiding by our inner consumer needs.
3. 'Fuck Committees' puts together this idea that creative people now work for the 'bottom line', working to what us consumers want. Thus making anything that used to made with a designers brain now boring and samey, shown in the sentence "All cars look the same. Architectural decisions are made by accountants. Ads are stupid. Theater is dead." The short snappy sentences coming across quite bitter, and using words such as 'stupid' giving the article quite a childish voice. It sounds like the author of this article has had a bad experience being a designer and wants to blame the worlds for their problems in a child tantrum like manner.
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