Wednesday, 24 February 2016

OUIL501 Essay & Practical Ideas Feedback

Annoyingly, I have to change more of my essay than I initially thought I would. But at least the one on one feedback was really helpful, and I know how I can adapt it to improve for my final hand in. I think getting feedback is definitely key to a successful submission, because it's so easy just being in your own bubble without thinking things through properly. 

I also started thinking more about my practical side. I think I'm going to look into advertising in different corporations and how in your face it is. Which I suppose is slightly the reasoning behind why I want to do pop  up, because it's so in your face. But again I need to look into this further.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

OUIL501 Pop up?

I've started to think that maybe pop up is the way that I should go for my book, because I don't want to create just a normal 8-12 book that people wouldn't want to pick up and look through. Although I've never done it properly and not 100% sure what I'm doing.

So I went to the library and found a book on basic pop ups. Annoyingly it wasn't step by step so I had to look at the finished pop up result and just copy from it. Wasn't the best book in the world to be honest. But by doing this, it did make me realise that pop up is actually quite hard, and even the easiest of things like a square box is quite hard to produce. But I don't think I should give up on pop up just because it's hard, I want to try new things and if it does work well then I've found something to work on in the future!

Friday, 12 February 2016

OUIL501 Hot Dog Books

BOOK DESIGN - The anatomy of a book
5 Hot dog books
no idea what to do.

Themes? - Consumerism, society, advertising
Theories? - McDonaldization/Starbuckization, Double commodity fetish

Look at previous ad campaigns? Look at Decor/colour schemes?

My first hot dog book I decided to take the different colour schemes off of the Starbucks interior and make it into a book (the first two images from issuu). I quickly realised that this is just a terrible idea and I think to be honest was just a filler. I also did a hotdog book on the drawings of the interior, but didn't like that either...

Then I thought it would be good idea to have the book to have more of an interesting twist, paper cutting each section (third image on issuu) i wanted it to look like the evil core in the middle of the Starbucks cup, but ended up looking like a vagina.

So I also thought i should maybe look more into the campaign idea? Doing a Donald Trumpesk Starbucks campaign for it to be president (last two pages of issuu). I think this is the idea that I like the most, because I think it has more context and is a lot more fun. Although I liked where I was going with the book that ended up looking like a vagina, because I do want my book to be interactive in some kind of way. I think maybe I can combine the two?

Friday, 5 February 2016

OUIL501 Practical Proposal Ideas

I am not really looking forward to making the practical response to my essay. Although I thought the essay was quite successful, I can't think of what I could do that would link and not look obvious. I don't want to just do Starbucks either, because firstly I had spent way too much of my time writing the word Starbucks and secondly I am slightly bored of researching the same thing. I think I should spin off the subject, looking at consumerism, advertising and society in general, so the practical would obviously still go with the essay but not explicitly. Also I don't enjoy making books. They never turn out the way I hope and never produced one I have been proud of. It's all flash backs of visual narrative from first year, which I have buried in the dark depths of my mind.