Friday 12 February 2016

OUIL501 Hot Dog Books

BOOK DESIGN - The anatomy of a book
5 Hot dog books
no idea what to do.

Themes? - Consumerism, society, advertising
Theories? - McDonaldization/Starbuckization, Double commodity fetish

Look at previous ad campaigns? Look at Decor/colour schemes?

My first hot dog book I decided to take the different colour schemes off of the Starbucks interior and make it into a book (the first two images from issuu). I quickly realised that this is just a terrible idea and I think to be honest was just a filler. I also did a hotdog book on the drawings of the interior, but didn't like that either...

Then I thought it would be good idea to have the book to have more of an interesting twist, paper cutting each section (third image on issuu) i wanted it to look like the evil core in the middle of the Starbucks cup, but ended up looking like a vagina.

So I also thought i should maybe look more into the campaign idea? Doing a Donald Trumpesk Starbucks campaign for it to be president (last two pages of issuu). I think this is the idea that I like the most, because I think it has more context and is a lot more fun. Although I liked where I was going with the book that ended up looking like a vagina, because I do want my book to be interactive in some kind of way. I think maybe I can combine the two?

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