Thursday 18 February 2016

OUIL501 Pop up?

I've started to think that maybe pop up is the way that I should go for my book, because I don't want to create just a normal 8-12 book that people wouldn't want to pick up and look through. Although I've never done it properly and not 100% sure what I'm doing.

So I went to the library and found a book on basic pop ups. Annoyingly it wasn't step by step so I had to look at the finished pop up result and just copy from it. Wasn't the best book in the world to be honest. But by doing this, it did make me realise that pop up is actually quite hard, and even the easiest of things like a square box is quite hard to produce. But I don't think I should give up on pop up just because it's hard, I want to try new things and if it does work well then I've found something to work on in the future!

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