With notes
SLIDE 1 - From my map of understanding looking at subcultures, I landed here with 'Rah' culture. A brand new culture for the new generation. Specifically I'm going to focus on made in chelsea and what impact it has on us and for our society. But first I'll explain what 'Rah' culture is. Initially I found it hard to get my information...
SLIDE 2 - This is what comes up when I googled 'Rah' culture.. but with further investigation I found out that this new subculture consists of upper and upper middle class in the UK aged around 18/25. The word 'Rah' itself deriving from the onomatopoeic reference to the way they talk.
SLIDE 3 - The stereotypes of 'Rah' consist of..
-Attending a russell group uni
-Taking a gap year to somewhere edgy like Africa and talk about how much it changed you
-Wearing Jack Wills & Hunter wellies
- Playing fancy sports such as polo and clay pigeon shooting
SLIDE 4 - The two most important things that give you the 'Rah' title is to never claim to be posh - you are rich not posh. The other is to enjoy the party lifestyle to the max, with the financial help from mummy and daddy.
SLIDE 5 - This subculture may be more recognised to you in programs and videos such as:
>'Gap Yah' Sketch - which shows an over exaggeration of the culture
>And the more 'realistic' programs such as 'Life is Toff' and the most well known 'Made in Chelsea'
SLIDE 6 - Made in Chelsea if none of you have heard of this program is basically a 'reality' show about a group of friends in their early 20s that sponge off their parents to pretty much party and sleep with everyone - but don't make it look tacky by wearing fancy clothes and eating caviar.
SLIDE 7 - I decided to watch a couple of episodes so I could analyse their behaviour further - a bit like watching how animals behave in a zoo. I then recorded what I saw by taking notes and drawing. I focused on how they interact with each other on a social basis and what activities they partake in.
SLIDE 8 - I then put my notes together and picked out elements with the highest frequency:
>Going to cool indie gigs with bands that no ones heard of
>Many incestual friendship group relationships
>Drinking an excessive amount of champagne alongside an excessive amount of bitchiness
>And it's all put together with a cool indie soundtrack and orange camera filter so it makes you feel all nice
SLIDE 9 - After I watched these episodes I actually found myself feeling a bit depressed and a bit angry. It's just full of cat fights and people cheating on each other? It's extremely repetitive. But on the bright side, it makes me glad that my life is actually nothing like this.
SLIDE 10 - Good or bad? I found it a bit scary... is this how young people are being represented? If someone had seen this program for the first time with no idea what a youth of my generation was like is this what they get to see instead of those who actually work hard to earn money and look after themself.
SLIDE 11 - My opinion - I think that this is giving people our age a 'I want I get' kind of mentality which isn't healthy. It's actually quite upsetting. This program makes it seem like this kind of attitude is okay and look how fun it is! It's a shame because a few years ago this would never really of happened.
SLIDE 12 - My opinion 2 - Unfortunately, there's nothing we can really do, as these guys aren't a fictional subculture. So what I decided to do instead of complaining and getting wound up, that I should just see the funny side and turn it into a mockery.
SLIDE 13 - So I decided to experiment with a whole range of materials to see what would work best to show satire, but at the same time be something that I am quite familiar in using.
SLIDE 14 - Where am I going? - For my visual diagram I want to create something similar to the format of Andrew Groves and Ian Whadcock. Making a tool kit or set of instructions, of either 'how to survive an episode of Made in Chelsea' or 'how to live in the life of Made in Chelsea. It will include a lot of smaller illustrations put together to make a large poster.
SLIDE 15 - What do I want to say? - Well my intention is to satirise the life of Made in Chelsea, as I feel that that is the only way we should really look at it. It's something that we should really be taking light heartedly. Plus they seem to take themselves far too seriously having this aura of importance.
SLIDE 16 - Style? - For the kind of style I wanted to work in, I thought my loose gouache painting would be best because they show a lot more character than that of a well studied portrait. So I'm going to use a quicker more loose approach in my style of work.
SLIDE 17 - Other artists - I also liked the works of Tom Gauld and Josh Cochren. I want to use the same kind of layout that Gauld uses with the storytelling element that Cochran has. I really like the way that both of these artists compose their work. Gauld being very neat using frames and Cochran filling each space with character.
SLIDE 18 - Layout - This is the kind of layout that I want to do for my visual diagram. Similar to the artists work I just showed. I want the whole page to be busy yet organised - like Tom Gauld's sketchbook shown on the right.
SLIDE 19 - Materials and colour - From the success of previous tasks, I want to use gouache or collage as my materials for the final diagram. I found that both of these methods are great for showing personality and character. I also want to use a limited colour palette of about 2/3 colours so my diagram doesn't become too overwhelming.
SLIDE 20 - To summarise - my intention is to use humour to produce a guide/tool kit to either survive an episode or how to live in the life of Made in Chelsea.
>I think I was aware of what I was doing wrong whilst presenting. I knew I had no way near as much information and stats to give compared to what everyone else was dishing out. I really need to get looking on other people's opinion on this, both informally and formally so I get a better grasp of what angle I should go from.
>I'm aware of a problem, I just need back up. - WHAT IS IT DOING TO OUR SOCIETY?