Sunday, 18 September 2016

Consumer Psychology - book notes

Consumer Psychology - book notes and possible useful references

Harvard ref: Cathrine Jansson-Boyd, 2010. Consumer Psychology. 1 Edition. Open University Press.

p.3 how consumption affect people's lives
>Products can hold social status due to what people have learnt from them.
possessions contribute to who you are - william james
>also how people choose to 'groom' themselves

(Background info)
p.4 - 'according to historians, the culture of consumption in Europe started before the industrial revolution (fairchild 1998)'
ref: Fairchilds, C. (1998). Consumption un early modern Europe: A review article. Comparative studies in Society and History, 35, 850-858

p.5 - consumer-related industries grew after the industrial rev - with the increase in population competition rose between the manufacturers and so did the pressure to promote the products.
- first advertising agency opened in 1840s by Volney Palmer (Fox, 1984) only offered limited services,  mostly for slots for ads in newspapers.
- bigger shops started to arise - first being Le Bon Marché in Paris 1852 - one of the first places that got rid of haggling. Then others shortly followed, like Macy's in New York 1878.

p.7 - (schultz & schultz, 2004) playing with people's emotions, in particular sympathy made consumers the most likely to be open to suggestions produced by adverts.

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