Sunday 11 September 2016


So far I haven't found something really juice that I can sink my teeth into, I feel a bit like I'm lightly touching a few things and just kind of all over the place. I wanted to stop and have a rethink. I went back to the thing that I was most drawn to, the article about editorial illustration being dead. BUT I can't view the whole article without having a username and password for this american university... After searching the internet this is all I seemed to find linked to the article -

(a comment from someone that I found on another article about magazine covers)

Although I can't even view the whole article, I still think it might be interesting to investigate around the idea of how the consumer has shaped illustration, it seems, for the worst. 
"viewers have so little time or skills anymore to decode complex covers. Sad but true"

I'm also trying to make sure that I'm always thinking about the practical side of the module too, and I think if I had a subject like this it gives me a chance to be satirical which I love doing. 

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