Friday 6 January 2017

Final Peer Review

Today was the final peer review for our practical response, and I found the session quite helpful. Although I had finished my book so obviously it wouldn't be very useful for people to tell me how I could improve that, I'm glad that I got feedback on my boards as well as what they thought still needed to be included on my blog. More so the design boards because I was struggling a little with them, putting too much thought into the design of the board rather than the context and trying to make them look fancy when it's not really necessary.

Boards Feedback:
> Could be better organised (layout)
> Make titles bigger - make clear which is referring to
> More clear information - too vague
> Have trials/development?
> Mock ups - use better photos of final images.

Practical Feedback:
> Think about merchandise
> Be critical
> Special edition version

Blog Feedback:
> More focus
> Artist influences
> More sketches on blog

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