Thursday 12 January 2017

Summative Statement

Consumerism’s influence on current society has so far gone by undetected. It seems that people are not aware of the devices that shopping centres and theme parks use to make you undoubtedly over consume for their own benefit. Through the research conducted in my essay and my practical, I have come to the conclusion that this is something that I as an illustrator need to help address to this consumer driven society.

In the essay side to the dissertation, I have looked at the extent to which consumerism has influenced the development of these hyperreal spaces - hyperreal spaces being specifically to this context as shopping centres and theme parks - as it seems that consumerism is at the fore for the construction of most. Some of the conclusions that my primary research came to is that shopping centres have been transformed into destinations, a social hub. To me this shows that the modern world has been affected by the drive for consumerism and has slotted into our everyday life, even if one claims to have no interest in such, it remains almost unavoidable.

These findings have been put forward into the practical element to the dissertation, with my subject matter completing what seems like mundane activities whilst at the shopping centre, but actually is spending an excess of time and money. These activities being hybrid consumption, another theory to the essay. The subject matter deriving from the uncanny, a concept found spoken in the essay. This is about the sensation of people not realising if something is human straight away - a blow up doll is an example of this. These two theories tie the practical with the essay, with an overarching theme of consumerism.

Most importantly what I have taken the from this module is that it has helped me consider my future plans for what disciplines within illustration I want to go into. Previously only being interested in editorial, publication - specifically satirical - is something I thoroughly enjoy doing and would like to look into further in later projects and life after university.

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