Tuesday 6 December 2016

Susan and Marc Auge's Supermodernity - Explained

excess of time, excess of space and excess of ego. 

These are the three characteristic of supermodernity stated by Marc Auge. This can so easily be related to my practical! The amount of different consumption elements that Susan comes across shows the unnecessary excess of time that she spends at the shopping centre enjoying these activities. Excess of space can we shown if I give my images more space, making Susan slightly smaller - this is something I should experiment with. Excess of ego being Susan herself and how she is made in our human likeness. These three characteristic are repetitive and standardized. This is also shown in my book by having every image in the same composition and colour, showing the standardisation of shopping centres, linking to what Underhill says in my essay - ‘Which specific mall we’ll be visiting doesn’t really matter, since the things we’ll see and the lessons we’ll learn apply to all.’ (Underhill, 2004)

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