I made a slightly better mock up of my book with my final images to give myself a clearer idea of what it will look like when it's properly done. The illustrations will be full page with text in a white box at the bottom, but I wasn't sure on what size was appropriate when printing so the images are a lot smaller than what they should be.

I'm happy with how my page layout will be, but I still need to sort out the front and back cover and experiment with type and what I'm going to write. But I feel like I'm nicely on track and this book will be completed by the weekend so I think I will go to print drop in and print it off early so I can feel relaxed for christmas. I have a print slot for the 10th Jan, but I don't like how close it is to the hand in, so if I have everything ready for next week I might as well try my luck in the drop ins and can create something else extra for my print slot like stickers??
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