I have had quite a stressful morning with this stupid book. I finished all my paintings and writing and had it all set up on InDesign ready to print - yay. But when I went to print it, James said it wouldn't work and should just have a thicker stock for my front cover because I don't have enough pages to create a hardback. So I began to panic a bit, because I really don't think it'll look half as good with paper. But, my mock up didn't turn out too bad, so I thought no I'm still going to pursue my dream of a hardback.
And I actually did it

After not really thinking I'd have a finished book in time, I managed to create a 12 page hardback book. It may be a little not really perfect, but I am pleased with what I have achieved, I never thought I'd be able to finish it! This book has given me a lot of confidence, because I don't even really like making publications in the first place, but I am for once proud of this. I now would consider doing a publication again, although if I were to do a hardback I would hopefully have more pages next time…
I'm also happy with the context with my book, because I think this is one of the first times that my work has a juicy amount of context to the illustrations. Although the style of my illustrations isn't what I really like doing, it works really well for this. But if I had more time, I would have liked to have proper full page illustrations of the types of people who would drink these cocktails to be drinking them instead of just having the drinks. This is my fault though because I should managed my time a hell of a lot better, so this is a real shame.
But overall I am pleased with this, it has also made me realise that satire is something that I should continue to do in the future, as it's also working well in my 505. I am excited to see where this takes me.
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