Tuesday 19 April 2016

OUIL501 Research - brands

Now the penny has finally dropped, I need to get researching straight away. So I had a look online and found what big corporations were the 'worst' and picked out what ones would be best for my book. I then wrote a lot (issuu doc)

I found it quite hard to find information that you knew was 100% true:


Like this one for example, I'm not sure if IKEA furniture was built by 'slaves' in a nazi style camp. I think that would have got a lot more coverage on it if it were to be true... But not all of them were bad, I think that this website for Nestle was probably the most useful:


Even though it's called the daily dot which I'm not sure is a real thing, but was the most useful in terms of layout and statistics.

Now I have all my main pieces of information about the companies, I have to look at cocktail books and other satirical books to see the layout

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