Monday 25 April 2016

OUIL501 Mock Up - Hardback

I have decided to do a hardback cover for my book, because that's what ladybird books have, and thought it wouldn't look as good if it was just paper. I'm a bit worried for my final, as we only have 8-12 pages, so maybe it won't work too well as hard books do need quite a few pages to work. I thought before I just went for it that I should make a hardback book mock up to see if it would actually work. I learnt how to make them in foundation, so hopefully I'll still remember how to make them… I remember it not being too hard so was optimistic.

I am very glad I have done this before doing my real one, because I had made the spine far too big, forgetting that I didn't have many pages so I for my real one I need to make it as small as I can. Apart from that, I think it'll work out!

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