Sunday 23 October 2016

Chapter 2 Theory: Context and Themes - Guide

Q: To what extent has western consumption influenced the development of hyper real spaces?

Chapter 2 Guide (Theory):
>This will be beefed out

Paragraph 1 Consumer culture stems from eighteenth century liberalism, where the idea of people as individuals became dominant over collective communities. When philosophers (ADAM SMITH-his definition on liberty&how that changed the way of his individuals changed their conceptualised within philosophy(neoliberalism book its on my shelf first few pages)) started to think of people as individuals, out for their own gains. (A PIECE THAT TALKS ABOUT IT HISTORICALLY). Miller’s (why shopping matters), Benjamin’s flâneur 

Paragraph 2 Hyperreality is a concept proposed by Baudrillard to denote the simulation of reality observed in social sciences since the 1960s. (SPACES OF CONSUMPTION&BRIEFLY MENTION PLACES) Koutsobinas lays out a structural framework of the development of hyper real spaces; his histography of ‘ordered disorder’.

Paragraph 3 One of the most prominent concepts within the literature is that of Disneyization. The concept of Disneyization was first written by Alan Bryman in ’The Disneyization of Society’ explaining that (explain what it is here). 

Paragraph 4 Bryman draws heavily upon the concept of hybrid consumption within his findings, (what hybrid consumption is). The theory identifies the active enrolment of 'Stay longer theory' & 'Destination theory’ (explain what stay longer theory & destination theory).

Paragraph 5 (The uncanny-freud)  

Key Theorists:
> Baudrillard
> Miller
> Benjamin
> Koutsobinas
> Bryman
> Smith
> Freud

Key words: 
> Consumption
> Flâneur
> Hyperreality 
> Ordered Disorder
> Disneyization
> Hybrid Consumption
> Stay Longer theory
> Destination theory 

> The Uncanny 

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