Saturday 15 October 2016

Notes: Hybrid Consumption - The Disneyization of Society

Summary: Institutions are made specially to incorporate as many consumption opportunities as possible 
> Two key principles behind hybrid consumption - Destination principle & Stay longer principle 

Destination Principle: 'by including several different forms of consumption in one place or nearly one place, a destination is created that is more than the sum of its parts.' p/75
> no longer just a shopping centre to solely do your shopping in, if other consumption features are put into place such as a cinema, food complex, it becomes a destination. 

Stay Longer Principle: 'essentially saying that the more needs a venue can fulfil the longer people will stay' p/75
> Leading (of course) to people spending more money 

> 'By introducing unique blends of forms of consumption, especially when combined with theming, the planner is able to differentiate sites that might otherwise appeal unremarkable. The blending of different forms of consumption serves to create environments that are constructed as being spectacular.' p/76

> 'Create extraordinaries where otherwise ordinariness reigns.' p/76

Nonplaces: 'Chains of identical shops and restaurants in unimaginatively reproduced locations have no identity - they could be anywhere' p/76
^Termed by Augé and Zukin 
> Places with no sense of identity 

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