Wednesday 23 November 2016

Hipster Handbook Documentry

Hipster Handbook Documentry notes:

>Love for the real
>keen on food
>make things in an artisan way
>everything comes with a backstory, authentic and real but is meticulously designed(like shabby chic)
>business has jumped in on this
>used to be a place, now a state of mind
>constant theme park - shoreditch
>post post modern world
>borrow from the past, very retro
>use irony in a way it ables them to consume anything - cereal killer cafe
>authenticity against the fake
> refusal to conform, do things your own way
> Wiliamsberg - hipster area in america - used to be poor latino, working class, industrial
> it’s now middle-class, no longer cool.
>‘Counter culture has mutated into a self obsessed aesthetic vacuum stripped of its subversion and originality’ - Adbusters
>authentic - getting to truly know yourself - be your real self
> bare brick, industrial tiles - theme park reminder of what these buildings used to be for
> showing your individual taste - findings things from vintage stores - collaging, layering, promiscuous magpie - expressing individuality- don’t invent, they curate
>all about coffee - writing and being creative - each shop has a different strategy, but it’s all about backstory - has to be environmental, sustainable
>creativity applied to selling
>demonstrate commitment to an ethical framework (when you buy from these edgy places, as if to say I am a good person)
>how can i show my superior taste - luxury goods - micro-connoisseur
>mainstream coopted hipster looks - pret a manger with bare brick wall, ‘mismatched’ furniture thats actually massed produced
>everything revolves around products

Pink - What I can relate to my research - consumerism and design of businesses 

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