After the feedback I'm feeling quite confident with my essay as it seems to be going in the right direction, I just need to remember to keep linking it back to my questions and tying the theories together a little more.
The practical is where I'm definitely struggling. I keep having ideas that turn out to be right offs and I feel like I'm just going round in circles. But the idea I currently have does seem to have potential, with using blow up dolls as my spokesperson to create a social campaign.
After my tutorial I need to link it with shopping, although it links to the uncanny it still needs to make sense to people. I told my idea to my sister and she said 'yeah but how's that got to do with shopping', and annoyingly she's right. What's the point in doing something that has no relation to shopping or theme parks? I think I need to be more direct with what I want to say instead of trying to be really out of the box but ending up being surrounded by pointless cardboard boxes with no meaning.
When I was walking home after my tutorial I had a thought. I really enjoyed my practical last year, it was different but did link to my essay and was easy to comprehend, you didn't need to be that guy that Benedict Cumberbatch plays in the Imitation game to decode it. So why don't I do something pretty similar?
I thought of making a satirical book again, not giving it exactly the same as the Ladybird book, but pretty similar. I'll use the same full body illustration of the blow up doll, same position same vacant expression, and have her holding different commodities/ be in different scenarios that relate to hybrid consumption. I.e. Wearing cowboy outfit because of theming.
I could make two books - "Susan goes to the Mall" and "Susan goes to the Theme Park", exploring the different devices used in both theme parks and shopping centres.
I could make two books - "Susan goes to the Mall" and "Susan goes to the Theme Park", exploring the different devices used in both theme parks and shopping centres.

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