I finally got around to visiting the Trafford Centre in Manchester! It's such a weird shopping centre. When you first walk in you're greeted with an enormous lavish marble looking (but I highly doubt it is) staircase with pillars and a chandelier. It actually made me laugh out loud, it's just ridiculously and unnecessary over the top. The decor instantly reminded of me Vegas, it's like the whole place has been made to look like Cesar's Palace. I didn't feel like I was in a shopping centre at all. I suppose this links to destination theory, I felt transported into a completely different world, linking to Zizek's concept:
"The practicality of having memories installed in us of the perfect holiday is far better than having to go through all the commotion that comes with physically experiencing holidays, as well as being cost effective."
(Quoted from my essay)

The Trafford Centre is bombarded with theming, you can't walk for 2 minutes without bumping into an Egyptian pillar or a stone fountain. It's quite bizarre to be honest. But when I interviewed my participant about the Trafford Centre, they were saying how much they loved the theming and that it makes them enjoy going there. So I suppose it must work for some people.
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