Thursday 10 November 2016

IKEA Layout - who designed it???

I've been trying to work out who was in charge of designing IKEA's maze-like layout and the reason behind it all. Well it's obvious it's a tactic to make the consumer buy more, but I was curious to see any other explanations.

I found this snippet quite interesting. It links to both the stay longer theory and destination theory within hybrid consumption. By having a complex maze it forces the consumer to stay longer, in turn spending more money. The whole set up of the minimalistic show rooms and the restaurant turns IKEA into a unique destination point - 'The IKEA Experience'. The ability to turn a shopping environment into an experience is what the man at the top of it all wants/needs the most. 

In this Telegraph article it points out that the aim of IKEA's layout is to confuse the customer by their surroundings so they pick up the product straight away as they don't think they'd be able to find it again later in the store. This concept is something that I haven't yet looked at or thought about, and maybe could apply to other contexts.

Although my google findings were interesting, I still have no idea who actually was in charge of creating this genius layout...

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