Monday 21 November 2016

One-on-one interview - Participant 6 - MetroCentre

Q. Would you visit the shopping centre with the sole intention of browsing? Why?
A: Yes i suppose i would because it can be quite a fun and cheap day out, actually i only go to the shopping centre to browse because my girlfriend likes to go, otherwise to be honest i wouldn't really. 

Q:A side from the retail element, are there any sites in (shopping centre) that you regularly visit? Why?
A: I would visit the foodcourt but it would rarely be for anything more than quick cheap fast food or you know like the lunch time menu at Frankie and Bennies. I'd rather go into town to a restaurant if i wanted a more expensive meal, who wants to spend £50 eating at a restaurant inside a shopping centre??

Q: When you're at the shopping centre, would you share your location on social media? Why?
A: No - because that's super cringey. I'm not really a big user of social media. Plus I see shopping as a fairly mundane activity, and it isn't interesting to share basically. 

Q: If you are unfamiliar with a shop, but like the window display, would you still go in? Why?
A: Yeah i suppose so, i dunno i feel like all the shops are kind of standardised, so you can make more of a judgement of what's going to be inside more so than you could in like a strip of independent shops in a town. You always know what you're getting when you're at the mall.  

Q: Would you go the shopping centre just to go to a restaurant or the cinema? If so, why?
A: No i prefer to eat in a restaurant in a town centre or elsewhere, if the shopping centre cinema was my closest cinema or it was better than my local cinema then i'd go it. 

Q: What emotions do you generally feel when at the shopping centre? Why?
A: I suppose i feel contentment because it's a familiar place, but also annoyance if it's busy, you feel a bit overwhelmed and you just don't want to be there. 

Q: The MetroCentre is one of the most popular shopping centres in the UK, why do you think this is?
A: I suppose it's a combination of it's sheer size and quite a high standard of shops, its got all the ones that you'd want. and maybe compared to the rest of the country, it hasn't got much competition in neighbouring cities, only Newcastle city centre can rival it for shops. 

> Supports previous statements in both focus group and interview -  supports Underhill: all shopping centres are the same. Hybrid consumption brought up again.
> Familiarity was brought up when discussing emotion whilst being there, supporting buchanan and underhill on no matter where you are, you can go to a shopping centre because it's familiarity is reassuring and you know it's a safe place.
> Again shows shopping as an experience rather than status

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