Saturday 19 November 2016

Practical - Blow up dolls?

Before I had thought of doing a fake political campaign for my practical, as this area is something that i'm really interested in and I'm doing this for my extended practice so would be a good link. The subject for my campaign has been something that I've been unsure of. I wasn't sure whether making up my own character would work best or choosing a random object and using that.. but I just thought that what would work best for what I want to say is a blow up doll.

My reasoning behind this is as follows:
> They're something recognised on the uncanny valley - they're similar to us, not exactly the same but are made in our image, which is something that we strive for as egotisticals.
>They don't speak - the hyper real spaces speak for themselves, they don't verbally need to force you to consume, you just do it.
> They're ridiculous - the point i want to make is that people can easily be persuaded by things that aren't even real. The blow up doll is being used to show the extreme of what I've found in my essay.
> They're not real - Yes a blow up doll is physically real, but it's made from a model of ourselves, just like how Main Street USA is modelled of a 'typical' small american street, they're models of reality.
> They're laughable - No one really takes these things seriously, used mainly as a joke - this adds to the satire
> Commodity Fetish - literally

So, for my practical I want to create a fake political campaign with the blow up doll as the spokesman. I will create posters, badges, banners, stickers for my physical work, and would like to propose a video as something that I would like to do, create some story boards maybe.

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