Friday 25 November 2016

Practical - putting ideas into action

After finally coming up with an idea that I'm happy with, I thought I should test it out to see if it would work with my style and was worth delving into it. Surprisingly the image didn't take me that long to paint, which I'm hoping means that I'm getting quicker at painting! Which is great! I'm also pretty pleased with how it turned out, the eyes are a bit off but blow up dolls are a bit wonky away as they're cheaply manufactured so I'm not too bothered about it. 

I think it being a spot illustration works well, as I think if there was loads going on in the background then you'd lose focus on what I want the audience to look at. It should be pretty easy to add different items to the doll as I've got lots of space to work in. 

Overall I'm really excited for this idea, I think it will be successful and link to my essay! Which is the most important thing. I'm hoping that it will work satirically too, or I'd feel like my illustration isn't a success. But the text should help with that and work hand in hand. 

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