Friday 4 November 2016

Peer review feedback session 3/11/16

I really needed this feedback session because I had lost hope with my practical. I didn't have any ideas that were jumping out at me or got me excited to create.

From the feedback I wrote:
>Look at maps of theme parks/shopping centres
>Make up own theme park
>Look at KAWs
>Spot illustrations

The most useful thing that I got out of this session is that I need to remember what I do best, which is spot illustrations. What's the point in trying to create a massive mural scene when that's not what I do? So this has made me think a lot more about composition and how I should present my work. Everyone seemed to really like the painting that I had done a few weeks ago of evil Mickey, so I know that this is the style that I should work with. It also links with my work from 603, which I think is quite important.

For my next sessions my peers have written that I need to do more experimentation with character and visuals, revisiting my research on hyper real spaces and try and apply it visually. Also to find a contemporary piece of illustration that I'm interested in and appropriate my idea into something like that - I think this feedback is very useful as I've never thought about doing that. Now I just need to get on with it!

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