Thursday 17 November 2016

One-on-one interview - Participant 5 - The Trafford Centre

 Q1: Would you visit the shopping centre with the sole intention of browsing? Why?
A: Yes - because the amount of shops that it has is ranging from reasonably priced to quite luxury so if i had a wedding i knew id find something or if i had a party i knew i could find something for any occasion. also is a lovely environment i like the smell of it its good, it smells fit. the fountain smells so good. 

Q2: A side from the retail element, are there any sites in the Trafford Centre that you regularly visit? Why?
A: Yeah - the food court, because they have a wide variety of food for any budget, nice area and nice ambience. I enjoy going there more because its themed, because i like the lights in the sky, it makes it more fun 

Q3: When you're at the Trafford Centre, would you share your location on social media? Why?
A: Yes: I not ashamed that being at the Trafford centre, plus there's always someone in the area that would also be there that i may know.

Q4: If you are unfamiliar with a shop, but like the window display, would you still go in? Why?
A: Yes - i like trying knew experiences and if theres a new shop that seems like it would be interesting to look at because of the window display i would to see what they had to offer

Q5: Would you go the Trafford Centre just to go to a restaurant or the cinema? If so, why?
A: Yes - because where i live is a shit hole and isn't many nice cinemas nearby, even though it's miles away. Same with the restaurants. It's a way nicer environment

Q6: What emotions do you generally feel when at the Trafford Centre? Why?
A: I usually feel calm, expect when its busy, i usually go in the evening when it's not busy, so you have to be careful for when you want to go - a lot of people with prams

Q7: The Trafford Centre is one of the most popular shopping centres in the UK, why do you think this is?
A: I think theres something for everyone, rich poor, into fashion, into food, if you want a day out, theres coffee shops, theres bars, there's so much to do. 

>The responses to the questions are one I was hoping for, this being because they have proven the success of hybrid consumption, they go to shopping centre and it is rare that they don't at least go to the food court. As well as proving destination theory, as they would travel to the shopping centre just to go to a restaurant or the cinema even though it isn't their closest.
>They also prove shopping as a status, saying that they would share their location on social media (Benjamin)
> Ritzer & Bryman - feeling contentment whilst at the shopping centre

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