Friday 11 November 2016


If/when I manage to get a response for a telephone interview, I need to be prepared with a set of questions that best fit what I want to know.

My essay q: To what extent has consumption influence the development of hyper real spaces? 
> What do I think?? - That consumption massively drives the development of hyper real spaces.
> How can I ask questions that back this up? or maybe they'll counteract it??

1. The reason for the quirky architectural decor is meant to pay homage to the history of the area, but is there any other reason for the style choice? 

2. Do you think the themed style choice affects the consumer and why? 

3. Did you enjoy working on this project, if not why not? 

4. Would you do anything differently if you were to do this project again? 

5. Did you look at any previous shopping centre layouts before designing the Trafford Centre? 

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