Friday 11 November 2016

Practical? Illusions?

I'm still pretty stuck with what to do. I thought that I got it together then it just isn't solid enough or just doesn't look that great.

>Two things at once?
>Inability to classify
> Psychological transformation
> Changing the meaning
> Needs - false consciousness
> False, Fake

I think transformation is something that interests me most from the quick notes I took in my tutorial. When googling transformation and looking at what comes up, it's mostly pictures of butterflies and Kylie Jenner. I don't think I should do something super obvious, and it also kinda needs to link to consumerism in some way also.

Maybe I could work with illusions? things that are two things at the same time like the duck and rabbit thing:

I think I should start roughing out my own two in one illusions linking to subjects that I've found. I suppose this also links with hybrid consumption? Because it's a hybrid of two different things based on consumption. 

I need to think of consumer products/relevant items that link to what I want to say, or ones which I have found in my essay.
> shop architecture - shapes within that 
> Food
> Clothes
> coffee

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